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NHG advised Desarrolladora y Operadora de Infraestructura de Oaxaca
NHG advised Desarrolladora y Operadora de Infraestructura de Oaxaca, a subsidiary of Constructora y Edificadora GIA+A, in the total voluntary redemption of the bonds identified with the ticker symbols “DOIXCB 15” and “DOIXCB 15U”, issued in the context of a public placement of securities made by Banco Invex in its capacity as Trustee of the irrevocable trust number F/2213, made with funds from certain non-revolving credit facility granted by Banobras, as well as in the negotiation, instrumentation and disbursement of such credit facility. The aforementioned in the context of refinancing its federal prison project in Oaxaca, for a total amount of MXN$3,969,171,351.